Tax Representation

Fiscal support of non-EU companies having taxable operations in France and in other European countries.

The companies established outside of the European Union must appoint a local Tax representative in France, as well as in many other EU member states, for accomplishing their tax obligations (VAT related declarations, IOSS, etc), but also for enjoying their fiscal rights, such as VAT recovery and deductions. The assigned Tax Representative is jointly liable for the compliance of your business operations with the requirements of the local Tax Authorities. The choice of the Local Tax Representative is crucial for your business as his expertise in foreign taxation will ensure your VAT compliance, reduce the administrative burdens and guarantee the optimised taxation of your different flows: application of the correct VAT rate, possible tax suspensions, maximised VAT deductions.

The ongoing VAT reforms in Europe and the upcoming e-invoicing obligations worldwide are challenging for any business structure. The regular follow-up on these changes and the related ERP compliance can be facilitated through external tax consultants. The obligation of appointing a Local Tax Representative in some of the EU-countries, including France, is deemed helping companies to remain compliant with the local tax requirements abroad.

Our Solutions

Having a high expertise in the VAT field and a deep knowledge of the French Corporate taxes, our bilingual consulting team will provide you Personalised Tax representation services in France, bringing to your attention all the upcoming changes in the Tax law which might impact your business. Mandated as your VAT Representative, BtoBnice will be in charge of all exchanges with the French Tax authorities and handling all their information requests and eventual tax audits.

Your company’s Tax representation outside France is handled though our local partners.  But you still keep a single advisor who will be coordinating your VAT registration & VAT related issues across Europe.

  • VAT representation in France and Europe
  • VAT registration management
  • VAT compliance: VAT Returns, Intrastat, ECSL, etc.
  • IOSS management
  • Local VAT deductions
  • VAT reclaim for non-VAT registered companies
  • Updates on changes in the VAT law

  • Customs: import into the EU & its fiscal consequences
  • Analysis of your cross-border operations & of the related tax obligations
  • Compliance check of your supplier invoices
  • VAT training sessions
  • Other taxes in France: local taxes, plastic tax, etc.

VAT Advisory

The companies starting business operations abroad are facing difficulties linked to the diversity of the VAT rules across Europe, despite the ongoing harmonization reforms. Our consulting team will be happy to guide you through your future VAT obligations and the financial impact which your new operational flows may have for your business.

The VAT training can be a best solution for getting your internal teams familiar with the VAT system in the EU. We personalize the content of our training sessions and adapt it to your operational needs.

Field Experts

Siouzanna Maignan

Founder & President

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