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Romanian E-invoicing 2024

New obligations for resident & non-resident companies

Romania is one of the first EU member states implementing the local B2B e-invoicing which will be launched starting from January 2024.

The reform having been signed in law in late October 2023, it will be rolled out in two stages :

  1. January  – June 2024 : mandatory e-reporing of all domestic B2B invoices

Requirement : electronic submission of sales invoices via the Virtual Private Space (SPV) on RO e-factura portal of the Romanian Tax office (ANAF)

Deadline : within 5 working days following  the invoice issue date

Subject : B2B supplies falling within the scope of the Romanian VAT

Liable companies : resident and non-resident companies VAT registered in Romania

Penalties for non-compliance : grace period until March 2024,  followed by 1.000 – 10.000 LEI per invoice (up to 2000€) after 01/04/2024

2. From July 2024 : mandatory e-invoicing issuance & exchange for resident companies

The non-resident companies continue to report electronically their local VAT-invoices to ANAF.

Facts and numbers

The e-invoicing was already in place in Romania since July 2022, but it was applicable only for B2G transactions and for B2B transactions in high-tax-risk business sectors.

The extension of the e-invoicing on all Romanian B2B transactions aims to facilitate the accounting processes and to reduce the Tax Fraud. Indeed, based on the VAT gap report published by the Commission in 2023, Romania registered the EU-highest VAT lost rate of 36,7% for 2021.

Focus point

The e-reporting obligation representing new administrative burdens for non-residents companies, it’s highly recommended to start getting prepared for its technical aspects, notwithstanding the announced grace period.

BtoBnice is providing operational support for VAT registration, VAT compliance and E-reporting in Romania.

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