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VAT Kick-off  / Rugby World Cup 2023

On this Friday the 8th of Septembre, the official start day of Rugby World Cup 2023 in France,

BtoBnice is addressing our best wishes of:

– Good luck for all the teams,

– Much fun for all the supporters,

– Huge success for all the participants & organisers.

Enjoy this exceptional sport event & let us take care of your French VAT Recovery.

Most of the business-related purchases & travel expenses occurred by foreign companies in France can be significantly reduced through claiming back the supported VAT.

Supplier Invoices:

space rental, marketing, local supply of goods, third party accommodation, etc.

Travel & Expenses:

fuel, toll, restaurant, entrance fees for events, …

We will be happy to accompany your organisation as your VAT agent (for EU-companies) or as your VAT representative (non-EU-companies) on this specific topic.

Information & Support

Learn more about our VAT services on our web page or contact directly our VAT expert Siouzanna Maignan at +33 (0)4 85 62 01 08.

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