Business Development

Advanced European marketing & communication solutions with sales representation in France.

The international companies need to adapt their business development strategy to the foreign market requirements. Sales strategy, marketing solutions & communication methods having a common goal, they may still need specific channels for reaching it in an optimised way. Using outsourced sales forces, managing international marketing campaigns and realising specific cross-border communication with your foreign prospects and partners are difficult to manage from a head office abroad. Missing inhouse resources can be efficiently compensated by external experts specialised in business development. This outsourcing is often used by international companies as a temporarily solution for country-specific needs, or as a permanent solution for avoiding regular inhouse costs.

Adjusting your sales & marketing strategy to consumers’ behaviour, to their brand perception and innovation opportunities will help you optimizing your business development costs and personalizing your customer communication.  This is the key for cultivating sustainable growth, outperforming competitors and increasing conversion rates.

Our Solutions

Operating with international experts, we can cover most of your needs in marketing, communication and sales solutions.  Depending on your business sector and company size, we adapt our services to your specific needs in a specific country.

  • Marketing Research
  • Branding
  • Advertising & Digital marketing
  • Internal communication & inhouse training
  • External communication & training
  • Public relations management

  • Management of your sales representation team / office
  • Coordination of outsourced sales agents in France
  • Emailing campaigns
  • Phoning campaigns
  • Sales Meetings’ booking
  • Sales Meetings attendance & negotiation

Sales Representation

Our offer includes both the management of your sales representation office in France and the coordination of the outsourced local sales agents.

Our agents are using country-specific sales methods which are adapted to your company’s priorities and requirements. Our sales campaigns are done is respect of your marketing & communication strategy, such as identified & validated before their official launch.